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Saturday 15 February 2014

How To Update Your Facebook Status By Using The Name Of The Specific Device Without Having It.

As you know that Facebook is growing day by day and its popularity is increasing to
a great extent around the globe among all the social networks and everyone on facebook
wants to do something new, therefore today in this tutorial we are going to show you the
trick that how you can update your facebook status by using the name of the specific
device without having it.
Steps are easy to follow, let’s start:

1.Log in to your Facebook Account.
2.Copy & paste the following link in your browser address bar:

http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=Your APP ID Here &redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com&to=&display=touch

3.Now replace “Your APP ID HERE” with one of the ID of the devices below with which you want to update the Facebook status:

    Palm: 7081486362
    Sony Ericsson: 38125372145
    Nintendo 64: 236264753062118
    Xbox LIVE: 5747726667

For example if you want to update the Facebook Status “Via Nintendo 64”, the link will become:


4.Hit Enter.
5.A new “Update Status” window will open, share whatever you want.

That’s it! Refresh your Facebook Wall or Go To Your Timeline to see the status updated via your own desire device.

If the above ID’s are not enough and you want to create your own device and get APP ID’s to update status, then you can do this by clicking here , you just to register yourself and start creating apps.

Dont use any  tutorial of this blog to harm others all tutorials are for educational purpose.

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